Thursday, 24 February 2011

Where Stuff Should Be Appearing

I realise that I created this place with the intention of putting up stuff what I wrote as part of the process of "trying to be a writer of some kind". However, almost a month has passed and, so far, this blog consists of an introduction to what I intended to do (ie. the first few lines of this paragraph) and a bit of coding I used to link this blog to a blog organising service, which I have come to realise specialises in "Fashion Blogs" (ie. you'll find no writers/people who want to read writing there)

This is just true "me"-style though: I've never really invested much time and/or effort into anything I set out to do (except for procrastination, which fortunately doesn't require as much effort as most things I set out to do). Due to this, I look at works by other writers and start to feel strong senses of inadequacy... but screw that! I'm forcing myself to invest time in it now!

So far, poetry seems to have grabbed my attention most, which I'm putting down to years of playing the guitar and attempting to come up with my own compositions (again, however, time and effort...) I've only just very recently tapped into my storytelling brain and given myself a few ideas for short stories so expect them soon (although, judging by my time/effort skills, when "soon" is exactly remains to be seen!)

Chances are stuff won't appear here very often, so instead I shall direct you to where stuff should be appearing. If I remember rightly, I put a little link over there on that side where all the other links and crap go.

If you're confused, it's the grey letters that say "Writers Café".

If you're still confused, have this:

If you're still confused, learn the ways of the Internet.

If you're still confused, just go and lie down.

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